Part 17: Mission #16: Elevator Music
Okay, I've got enough designs for my next class of reader-made wanzers. But, before we get to them, we'll have to get through Dagat Ahas.Mission #16: Elevator Music
But first, an email for Miho...
Mori posted:
Reply to me
Miho, are you reading this?
Then send me a reply.
You disappeared without
a trace.
Your father asked me
to contact you.
I'm also worried about you.
I heard you were dating Kuroi.
He's dangerous.
You should stop
seeing him.
Let me know it there's
anything I can do.
If you':re paying close attention to this email and the story of the game, you'll notice something quite interesting here.

Liu, Pham and Pierre have also blasted their way into the base.

On stray shot from a Filipino soldier later...

Pretty damn big 'if.'

So for this mission, you have Liu, Pham and Pierre, who's an NPC. That's a problem because this level also features elevators that need to be operated in order to access most of the level. The AI is quite smart enough to use the damn elevator, so Pierre will just sit there for the entire mission.

Pierre is riding in a wanzer called the Yongsai 3. In other branch, we'll be seeing them a lot. For this mission and this mission only, he has a missile launcher, probably to make up for the bad AI.

Meanwhile, Liu takes care of business.

On the one hand, it's pretty clear that DrivenBatty's overpowered Good Friday is capable of dealing damage, on the other, I still have grave doubt about its ability to take it.

This is the first time we'll encounter these guys. They're foot soldiers with sniper rifles. The main problem is that there's no really efficient way to kill them. Still, they're more a nuisance than anything else. Also, it's worth noting that foot soldiers have initiative over any wanzer attacks, which can prove quite frustrating if they stun or force-eject one of your pilots.

This map is actual kind of linear, forcing you to go through it and kill the enemy units as you proceed. This part involves doors that open and close on alternating turns. Why? Probably for the same reason that the Dagat Ahas is riddled with gigantic corridors that allow easy access for enemy wanzers to move through the ship. Frankly, I'm starting to have serious doubts about Filipino Naval Engineering.

And Liu is locked out as Pham must face this Jinyo alone. It's kind of like the climatic lightsaber duel in Phantom Menace, where everyone just kind of had to pause every so often when a random forcefield got in the way.

And now we have to wait for this door to open.

And it's time to lower the boom. There's another fucking elevator here, but it's only really necessary for Pham, who has no ranged weaponry. Also, that last unit is a Kasel M2, and the AI isn't smart enough to have him use the elevator, so I could pick him off with Liu alone, if I wanted. But I'm not that patient.

Liu snags us another Kasel, which I'll eventually sell to finance your increasingly extravagant wanzer designs.

Liu gets the MVP.

I think even Pierre is tired of Pham.

Hey, look, it's the only portrait for Pham that doesn't make her look like a bitch! I think we'll see it maybe two more times for the rest of the game.

Next Time: Kazuki swabs the decks of the Dagat Ahas...with murder!